Snow White vs. Sleeping Beauty, ivory soap and Prell shampoo, a sort-of boyfriend falling off a mountain, the never-ending question of whether to brush out the tight curls or leave them, dead shark eyes, gay friend comes out, expecting shock...gay friend 'loses the room'...gay friend tries to run over mom and girlfriend with car, gluing one's ears down to look like Sarah Palin, a honeymoon from hell, a Peter Pan-themed birthday party, feminism and sexism in comedy..Tina Fey covers it all. And does so hysterically.
Bossypants literally made me shout with laughter..and stop to wonder how all the working moms I know really do 'juggle it all'. And why do men assume no one wants to see two women in a comedy sketch? Idiots...Anyway, lessons learned from Tina's book include: flat feet are not the end of the world, Amy Poehler doesn't f-ing care if you like it, photo shoots are really not that fun, and 30 Rock isn't the hit show we all thought it was.
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